By Ann Hauprich - Coming in ©2018

When author Ann Hauprich stopped by the office of 85-year-old Ballston Spa
History Consultant Maurice “Christopher” Morley in 2007 to present him with a
signed and numbered copy of a bicentennial book he had helped her research, she
expected it would be their last visit.
Instead the encounter marked the start of an unofficial apprentice-mentor
relationship that would continue on weekday mornings for the next four years. By
the time Morley passed away at age 89 in 2011, the lessons he had imparted had
as much to do with the value of carving a lifetime legacy of caring and sharing
as they did with the importance of preserving the past for future generations.
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The Prayer Lines
Behind the Bylines
By Ann Hauprich

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about how heavenly assignments placed author Ann
Hauprich in the paths of powerful souls, kindred spirits and earthly angels
— some of whom were earning their wings the hard way. Uplifting tales of
unshakable faith, unsinkable hope and unconditional love abound within this
book’s covers. Bonus chapters include reflections on the softer side of late
60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney, a stroll down Memory Lane led by actor
David Hyde Pierce and why there’s much ado about Marylou Whitney. This
richly illustrated nearly 300-page literary labor of love also takes a
behind-the-scenes look at a film project based upon the true story of a
courageous young immigrant’s fight for justice in upstate New York a century
ago that continues to inspire today.
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Legacies Unlimited
By Ann Hauprich,
Antonio Bucca and Maurice "Christopher" Morley

"Preserving the past & present for future generations" is the goal of
Ballston Spa: Legacies Unlimited (Peckhaven Publishing, 2009).
The Way We Were, The Way We Are, The Way We Hope To Be, the
limited edition book by seasoned journalist Ann Hauprich, photographer
Antonio Bucca and Village History Consultant Maurice “Christopher” Morley
consists of nearly 300 pages – 24 of them featuring full process color
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The Way We Were,
The Way We Are
By Ann Hauprich
and Michael L. Noonan ©2007

It is said that in this life we often start out writing one book and end up
with quite another. That has literally been the case with the limited
edition volume book pictured on this web page.
What began as a simple 200-page souvenir of the 200th anniversary of the
incorporation of the Village of Ballston Spa somehow blossomed over a
two-year period into a literary labor of love nearly twice that size, filled
with more inspiring stories and unforgettable images than I ever dreamed
I soon realized this was not going to be a traditional history
book framed by the dates 1807 - 2007, but rather a vibrant living history
book that would span the thousands of years before the coming of the first
white settlers with no definite ending. It ultimately evolved into an open
door leading from the way things were and are to the way they hopefully will
be many moons from now.
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The Laugh Lines Behind the Bylines
By Ann Hauprich

Dedicated to my FUNderful parents, Donald & Audrey Hauprich, who built a
home for their 10 children on a firm foundation of faith, hope, love &
laughter and to my three daughters, Tara, Marietje & Kiersten, who humored
me each time I cried: “Someday we’ll look back on this and laugh.”
Stopping in mid-sentence so quills could be removed from a dog’s mouth was
just one of the misadventures that awaited Ann Hauprich when she left the
city to begin writing from a rustic office in the foothills of the
Adirondacks. Having three chicken-loving children under the rafters simply
made the plucky rural writer more determined than ever to produce a
manuscript that was worthy of a Pullet Surprise. With a wood stove as her
sole heating source in the winter, Ann also perfected the art of keeping the
home fires burning while literally waiting for the smoke to clear in between
deadlines for national publications, and later for a regional magazine she
founded in a spare bedroom of her abode.
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