Photo Gallery
Click on any photo for manual slide show of enlarged gallery images.

Meningitis Miracle
Third grader Ann Hauprich posed for this portrait shortly before being stricken
with spinal meningitis and experiencing a miraculous healing while at Albany
Medical Center in 1962. "How close I came to dying didn’t register until I later
told anyone who would listen that I’d watched from a corner of the ceiling in my
hospital room as Father Vaughan began praying over what looked like me sleeping
on the bed," Ann would later recall in a memoir titled
The Prayer Lines Behind
the Bylines.
Click here to read full chapter.

1970 – Works of Art & Words of Art
Ann Hauprich was a Ballston Spa High School junior when she created
these sketches of a fashionable young woman and a pensive little boy in
1970. Ann remains grateful to BSHS art instructor Richard Sather and BSHS
English teacher Stephen Toussaint for inspiring her to develop a college
application portfolio that combined samples of both her “works of art” and
her “words of art.”
to read a story that began with a reflection about how when the student is
ready, the teacher will re-appear.

At Albany Airport in 1971
Teen Ann Hauprich is accompanied by her parents Audrey and Don at
Albany Airport in 1971 as she gets ready to board a plane and head to Denmark as a Rotary exchange student.

With long-time friend Tony Bucca
Following her high school graduation, Ann journeyed to Denmark as a Rotary International exchange student. While there, the upstate New York teenager enjoyed a surprise visit from classmate Tony Bucca -- who snapped this image for posterity inside a Danish train station on his way to Italy. After bumping into one another at a school reunion decades later, the friends began pooling their talents on editorial projects which typically bear credit lines that read:
"Stories by Ann Hauprich;
Photographs by Antonio Bucca."
Click here to read
Prayer Lines
book chapter about Tony.

In Denmark as a Rotary exchange student
Representing District 7190 of Rotary International in the early 1970s was an
enriching educational and cultural experience for Ann, seen here on a
cobblestone street in Denmark. Achieving fluency in Danish made it possible for
Ann to return to Scandinavia to further her studies and work in such diverse
settings as a library and a grocery store.

Budding journalist
On assignment for
The Sheridan Sun, the student newspaper of Sheridan College's
Oakville campus, in the mid-1970s. Since that time Ann's bylines have appeared
Adirondack Life,
Bluegrass Unlimited,
Country Woman, Exchange,
The Gazette, GRIT: American Life & Traditions, Home & Country, New York
Thoroughbred, The Oakville Beaver, Saratoga Living Magazine, The Saratogian,
Today's Parent (Canada), The Toronto Star, Vermont Magazine, Women's Circle,
Woodshop News and
Writer's Digest.
Click here for Ann's
career highlights.

Three Generations
Ann pictured here with her maternal grandmother Catherine
Tiernan Bopp and mother Audrey Bopp Hauprich in November 1974.
Click here
read a heart-touching story about Ann's final visit with her beloved

1977 Hauprich family portrait
Ann in 1977 with parents Donald & Audrey Hauprich and her nine
siblings (L-R and F-B: Pam, Mary, Ann, Andy, Char, Mom, Chris, Bill, Steve, Dad, Frank and Tim).
Click here to read all about her "
Happier by the Dozen"

The birth of a student newspaper
A giant stork poster by award-winning Canadian cartoonist Steve Nease made
an ideal birth announcement decoration when faculty and staff representatives of
the Brampton, Ontario campus of Sheridan College joined Ann (holding Teddy Bear)
and some students for the unveiling of a new student newspaper she had helped to
establish in the mid-1980s. The prized stork and several of Steve's other
artistic creations can be found both inside and on the cover of
Deadlines, Headlines and Porcupines: The Laugh Lines Behind the Bylines.

ANNIE caricature by Steve Nease
Oakville Beaver News Editor Ann Hauprich as a Steve Nease caricature in the 1980s.

With first-born child
Ann with firstborn, Tara Leigh, in 1984.
Click here to read a story of trauma, hope and healing centered around her lovely daughter. (Excerpt: "The burn trauma unit where my two-year-old daughter was hospitalized
following a severe scalding accident in 1984 was filled with faces and bodies
scarred and disfigured beyond belief. Yet the longer I remained in the company
of these burn patients, the more I witnessed their incredible courage,
determination and inner strength -- the more beautiful they became in my eyes.")

With mother and sisters
Ann with her mother and three sisters at a family picnic in 1989 or 1990. From
left to right: Mary, Audrey/Mom, Ann, Pamela and Charlene.

Writing Coach
Ann Hauprich welcomed the 1990s by creating and presenting a workshop series
titled “Marketing Your WORDS of Art.” Designed to help other writers cope with
the ups and downs of freelancing, Ann’s course was offered by The Knowledge
Network in Albany and the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Continuing Education
Department. Prior to coaching writers in her native upstate New York, Ann had
served for several years on Sheridan College of Applied Arts & Technology
Journalism Advisory Committee in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. She subsequently
oversaw the establishment of a student newspaper at the college’s Brampton
Campus – an experience that proved invaluable as she was founding
Living magazine in 1998. She sold the popular regional periodical in 2004
to begin writing the first of five books. (
HERE to read an April 1992
Women's Circle magazine story
by Ann about artisan Cindy Weed.)

At Memory Walk in Saratoga Springs, NY with David Hyde Pierce
Although Ann had the pleasure of interviewing actor David Hyde Pierce by phone
for an in-depth magazine article in 2000, the pair didn’t actually meet until a
year later when the star returned to his Saratoga Springs roots to participate
in a Memory Walk to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association.
Click here for related story Ann wrote about David Hyde
Pierce and this cause he champions.
On hand to
capture the unforgettable moment in Ann’s life (that included a spontaneous hug
from the class act best known for his portrayal of Dr. Niles Crane on FRASIER!)
was D. Keith Sherwood. After snapping a few pictures at the Memory Walk,
Sherwood receives an autographed copy of
Saratoga Living magazine from
David Hyde Pierce.

All set for another interview
Ann getting ready for a celebrity interview in 2002. Some of the articles
written about these interviews -- as well as much behind-the-scenes humor that
went on while trying to meet editorial deadlines -- are included in Ann's
Deadline, Headlines and Porcupines book. Kindly visit Ann's "
Writing Samples" pages
to read about some of the many interesting local personalities that she has had
the opportunity to meet and write about over the years.

Meeting celebrities at Whitney Gala
Ann at the Whitney Gala with daughter Tara, Mary Ann Mobley and Gary Collins in
Click here
to read why Ann and her daughter found Mary Ann to be as beautiful on the inside
as she is on outside!
here to read a poignant essay that details Tara's experience as a
teenager battling Crohn's -- and how the caring long-distance intervention of
Mary Ann Mobley and socialite Marylou Whitney fostered renewed hope and healing.

Full Circle
Ann (December 2005) selling trees to raise funds for the same Rotary Club that
sponsored her as an exchange student in 1971. Some of the proceeds from the sale
of Ann's new book will be donated to help Rotary literacy programs both at home
and abroad.

2006 book signing
Ann Hauprich's daughter Tara with Mary and Doug Lyall of
The Center for Hope,
archival photographer Michael L. Noonan
and Tudd "The Wonder Dog" at the
Deadlines, Headlines and Porcupines book signing and
paw printing on August 15, 2006 at Border's Books. Michael was
the co-author of Ann's 2007 book
Ballston Spa: The Way We Were; The
Way We Are.

With Ballston Spa's Queen of Hearts in 2007
Ann with Margaret Zepko Crane Peterson, who served as the Village of Ballston
Spa's Sesquicentennial Queen in 1957 as well as its Bicentennial Queen half a
century later.
CLICK HERE to read
Ann's tribute to Margaret.
Tribute Excerpt: "
was early in 2007 that my eyes first beheld the lady I’d been told had reigned
with dignity and grace as Ballston Spa’s Sesquicentennial Queen in 1957. Having
seen only a faded photo of a dark-haired 24-year-old “Queen Margaret” being
crowned by then village Mayor Charles Heniger, I was doubtful I’d be able to
recognize the same woman half a century later."

2007 Painted Lady
Rotarian Patty Rutland created this Victorian Painted Lady bonnet for author Ann
Hauprich to wear to Bicentennial celebrations in Ballston Spa, New York.
CLICK HERE to read
Ann's tribute to the late Patty Rutland who was her dear friend.
Excerpt: "
was no time for self-pity and if signs declaring “QUIT YER WHININ” had existed
in those days, Patty would have been among the first to secure one and post it
prominently in her Brookline Road home so that all who entered would know that
this was a place for counting blessings and
life to the fullest."

2008 with Chris Morley and Antonio Bucca
Ann collaborates with Village History Consultant Maurice
"Chris" Morley and photographer Antonio Bucca while working on
Ballston Spa Legacies Unlimited: The Way We Were, The Way We Are, The Way We
Hope to Be (2009).

2009 Proud Mom
The graduation of Marietje Hauprich from Siena College had the scholar's mother
Ann and sister Tara bursting with pride.

Festive 2009 celebration at Brookside
A holiday book-signing event at Brookside Museum in Ballston Spa, NY reunited
children's book illustrator Jody Wheeler with Ballston Spa Legacies Unlimited
co-authors Maurice "Christopher" Morley, Ann Hauprich and Antonio Bucca.

2009 Portrait
Donna Martin of Village Photo, LLC took this portrait of Ann holding a copy of her 2006 book titled
Deadlines, Headlines and Porcupines: The
Laugh Lines Behind the Bylines. In front of the chair appears the cover art for
the book by Canadian cartoonist Steve Nease, Artistic Director of The Oakville
Beaver. Ann laughingly refers to this caricature of her as Little Annie Looney.

2011 – BSHS Class of 1971 and Class of 2011 SMILE-stones
Joining former classmates in remembering “The Way Were Were” at the 40th
reunion of Ballston Spa High School was extra special for Class of 1971 alum Ann
Hauprich because her youngest daughter had graduated with the BSHS Class of 2011
that same summer. Serving on the BSHS Class of 1971 Reunion Committee while
simultaneously preparing a Class of 2011 celebration for Kiersten had Ann
beaming all the more brightly as she flashed a peace sign while standing front and
center in this candid group portrait of her reunited classmates by Donna Martin,
Village Photo.
Click here
to view a short movie clip that was captured by Tony Bucca in 1971 and features
many students from the graduating class.

2013 BSCSD Alumni Award Recipient
The District recognized seven well-known graduates at the 4th Annual Alumni
Recognition Event during homecoming activities at BSHS. From left to right:
Ann Hauprich, class of 1971, for Literature; John Cromie, class of 1966, for
Law; Thomas Funiciello, class of 1957, for Education; Kevin Krogh, class of
1984, for Community Service; Col. Tom Cook, class of 1983, for Technology;
and Dr. Diane Sauter, class of 1971, for Science. Also receiving an award
though unable to attend was Eli Bisnett-Cobb, class of 2000, for Athletics.

2014 to 2016: A long lost cousin is found . . . at long last!
Although Ann Hauprich didn’t meet her father Donald’s cousin Donald until 2014,
she soon came to feel as if she had known him since he was a knicker-clad lad in
the early 1930s. Sure she had overheard references over the decades to the
existence of a relative who shared both her Dad’s first and last names. But
those mentions were fleeting and a veil of secrecy otherwise shrouded the long
lost cousin she was to find under truth is stranger than fiction circumstances .
. . only to lose two years later. The truth is it took an email from a caring
woman in Connecticut whom Ann had interviewed while researching a history book
about upstate New York to bring her and the two Donalds together. Catherine King
Eddy had been visiting one of her relatives in the Saratoga County nursing home
when she spotted a nameplate on a bedroom door that read DONALD HAUPRICH. Please
to read a related chapter in The
Prayer Lines Behind the Bylines and
CLICK HERE to read about Cathy King Eddy and
Ira Felix Thomas.

2014 HMCC Award
Ann Hauprich receives HMCC award in November 2014. On hand to offer
congratulations at the award ceremony were VFW Post 358 Quartermaster John
Lombardo, Commander Dennis LaQue and Mary Brooks of the Post 358 Ladies'
Auxiliary (click on image of Ann for group photo to open). "The citation given
to the daughter of World War II veteran Donald G. Hauprich stated she was
selected to receive the honor because of 'her dedication and willingness to give
of her time without any thought of remuneration, thereby bringing great credit
upon herself and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.'"
Click here for
PDF with an in-depth account of the award.

2015 - Another "Proud Mom" Moment
Ann Hauprich clearly had a song in her heart when youngest daughter Kiersten
graduated from the Crane School of Music at Potsdam in May 2015.

2015 - With parents and daughter
Ann enjoying some time with parents Donald and Audrey Hauprich and her youngest daughter Kiersten.
CLICK HERE to read how Donald and Audrey's two hearts began beating
as one during an Albany Light Opera Company rehearsal in 1946.)

2016 Portrait
Author Ann Hauprich displays some portfolio samples from past four decades (1976-2016).
Click here for Ann's bio and
here for career highlights.

2017 - Holding Prayer Lines book
Author Ann Hauprich holds a copy of her 2017 book titled
The Prayer Lines
Behind the Bylines. The mug beside Ann featuring the book's cover was a gift from her
sister Mary.
Click here
to read about Ann's
Prayer Lines book.

2018 - Kindred Spirits
The seeds of friendship that began to sprout between American Ann Hauprich and
Ella Haley
at the start of their year as Rotary International exchange
students in Denmark in 1971 grew stronger when Ann resided in Ontario from 1974
to 1989. Ann is grateful to
now an organic farmer and environmental activist as well as an assistant
sociology professor and her husband, Doctor of
Richard Tunstall, for
literally going the extra mile to visit her in upstate New York several times in
recent decades. Ann hopes to journey to Brantford, Ontario when maple leaves are
at their peak this autumn to experience a weekend at the couple’s
Content Organic Farmstead in Brantford, Ontario
and conduct research for future articles about the
Langford Conservancy,
a small, not-for-profit land trust that protects and celebrates local farm lands
and ecosystems.

2018 - The words and the music
Author Ann Hauprich and composer-pianist husband
Cole Broderick were deeply
honored when children’s book illustrator
Jody Wheeler surprised them with a copy
Nate the Great and the Wandering Word that includes the following Dedication:
“To Ann and Cole, the words and the music.” (
CLICK HERE to learn more about this
latest title in the popular Nate the Great series of books for young readers and
HERE to read recent news coverage about Corduroy Takes a Bow by actress Viola
Davis with illustrations by
Jody Wheeler, in the style of Don Freeman.)

2018 – Heavenly Prayer Quilt
Ann Hauprich snuggles in the folds of a quilt “made with love, hope and
prayers” in every stitch by members of the Lake Deaton Prayer Quilt Ministry at
the New Covenant United Methodist Church in The Villages, Florida. A note from
Dagne and Jon Sollid that accompanied the Priority Mail delivery to Ann’s
upstate New York home said the women who sewed the quilt prayed while they were
stitching it and that members of the congregation added more prayers as they
tied knots in the strings when it was displayed on the altar on Sunday mornings.
The heart-warming note also expressed a wish that the prayer quilt would serve
as a reminder to Ann of “the comfort of God’s eternal love and care for you, His
beloved child, cradling you in his powerful healing arms.” (A related story now
being “stitched together” by Ann will detail what a blessing this
heirloom-quality gift of “love, hope and prayers” has been.)

2018 - UPSIDE-down for the count
While coping with a medical condition that left her “UPSIDE-down for the count”
during much of 2018 (
POP surgery article here),
Ann Hauprich was uplifted by prayers and get well wishes from friends and
loved ones. Ann also put the finishing touches on her fifth book, Mornings
with Morley, in between appointments in a variety of settings that included
the same hospital where she experienced a miraculous healing from spinal
meningitis as a little girl in 1962. (

2018 - Sisters-of-the-Heart
A bonus blessing during author Ann Hauprich’s Mornings with Morley sojourn was
the gift of the presence of Teri Pachter O’Connor. Their paths first crossed
while Teri, who is now Ballston Spa’s Village Clerk, occupied a spacious work
station adjacent to then octogenarian Maurice “Christopher” Morley’s office.
Born in 1922, Chris had known many of Teri’s ancestors – including her
great-grandfather, Jacob Steiner.
CLICK HERE to read how the two women became Sisters-of-the-Heart
and why Ann cherishes a heavenly magnet that reads:
“Good friends are like
angels. You don’t have to see them to know they are there.”

2018 - Sister Act
Legacies Unlimited co-founders Ann Hauprich and Mary Hauprich Reilly were
the first to open the covers of
Mornings with Morley
upon the literary labor
of love’s arrival in Ballston Spa, NY shortly after Labor Day. In addition
to assisting with the 102-page book’s pagination, Mary also created a
multi-media presentation to honor its namesake (the late Maurice
“Christopher” Morley).
CLICK HERE to read a chapter Ann penned about her mega-talented younger sister that was published in The Prayer Lines Behind the Bylines (2017).

2019 - Precious moment with parents
Side-by-side back porch rocking chairs enable daughter Ann to enjoy
relaxing warm weather visits with her parents: World War Two veteran Donald
and retired Ballston Spa school teacher Audrey. The happily married couple
met while singing with the Albany Light Opera Company in 1946.
CLICK HERE to read more

2019 - Winter Funderland
Among the special features to be included in the
Ballston Spa Living 2020
Community Yearbook
will be the inspiring account of how one of the village’s newest residents
has enriched the fabric of many lives since her arrival from the
Philippines. Adventures experienced by Chee Irish included building her very
first snowman, aided by her Aunt Ann and husband, Michael – who snapped this
photo before Frosty all too quickly melted away.

2020 – The Old Normal
Ballston Spa Living
Editor Ann Hauprich will forever cherish this blissful photo taken by Chee
Irish inside of The Sunset Café in Ballston Spa a few weeks before social
distancing became necessary to help prevent the spread of the corona virus
pandemic. With Ann are piano-composer husband Cole Broderick and friends
Vickie and Marcus Yanagihara. Ann had recently prepared an in-depth feature
for SARATOGA FAMILY/HEALTHY SARATOGA magazine that honored Marcus and his
girlfriend Rebecca Simmons as “a match made in speed skating heaven.” (
HERE to read the full story.)

2020 – The New Normal
Donning a protective facial covering and disposable sterile gloves before
venturing out to snap photos documenting the unfolding of The New Normal in
her upstate New York village has become second nature for Ballston Spa
Living Editor Ann Hauprich. Although literally stopped in her tracks by a
flat tire one rainy mid-March afternoon, Ann was soon up and running again
after Good Samaritan Ron Page cheerfully performed a roadside rescue while
simultaneously practicing social distancing etiquette.
learn about why it will take a whole village to build the Ballston Spa
Living 2020 Community Yearbook – and how you can help!.